Physical Changes to Report for 心脏衰竭

心脏衰竭 Warning Signs 和 Symptoms

Talk with your professional about symptoms

Heart failure requires you 和 your caregivers to pay close attention to any changes in symptoms. If you notice something new, or a sudden worsening of a current symptom, notify your health care professional immediately.


  • Rapid weight gain — Ask your health care professional about the amount of weight gain you should report to them. It’s so important for people with heart failure to weigh themselves every day, preferably every morning, before breakfast 和 after urinating. Try to weigh yourself daily with the same type of clothes on, 没有鞋子, on the same scale 和 in the same location.
  • Shortness of breath while at rest, not related to exercise or exertion
  • 增加 swelling of the lower limbs (腿或脚踝)
  • Swelling of or pain in the abdomen
  • 睡眠问题 (awakening short of breath, using more pillows, 咳嗽ing at night)
  • Frequent dry, hacking 咳嗽
  • 食欲不振
  • 增加 乏力 or feeling tired all the time 和 trouble concentrating
  • 一般 弱点 or 头晕
  • 蓝色的颜色 in your fingers 和 lips
  • 恶心想吐 和 loss of appetite
  • Heart palpitations
  • Psychological changes, such as feelings of sadness or 抑郁症

Self-Check Plan for HF Management PDF

下载 our Self-Check Plan for help with tracking your heart failure symptoms: 英语(PDF) | 西班牙语(PDF)

下载 Partnering in Your Treatment: Questions to ask your doctor (PDF) | 西班牙语(PDF)